Biographical research in Polish and Ukrainian migrant communities

Aneta Slowik, FIAS Fellow 2023-2024 Le Studium Loire Valley & University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw
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Thursday April 04, 2024 - 16 h 00

Hôtel Dupanloup
1, rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans


In my presentation, I will analyze the methodological basis of the biographical research carried out in the North-East of England among the community of Polish immigrants, and my research of Ukrainian refugees from the Loiret department in France. I will present the problems and difficulties experienced by members of these communities, how and where  these problems are solved by Polish immigrants and Ukrainian refugees, and the effects of the initiated and available formal, informal and non-formal counseling actions directed to these communities.


Dr Aneta Slowik LE STUDIUM / FIAS Research Fellowship

FROM: University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw - PL
IN RESIDENCE AT: Research Team on Contexts and Education Actors (ÉRCAÉ ), University of Orléans - FR

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